
Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Blah to Blogworthy

What can I say? This nice Fall weather has reinvigorated me.  Expect to see more posting from my neck of the woods. In the coming weeks, I'm also hoping to share an exciting new project that I'm working on.  Stayed tuned for that, but for today I present to you a Blah to Blogworthy that is kind of blue.

2012-10-03 A

Outfit 1 - Blah

This outfit is not terrible, but once again, "not terrible" shouldn't be my goal.  I think the general shape and balance of the outfit is flattering, but the too-close color of the cardigan and trouser jeans make for a weird onesie look.

2012-10-03 B

Outfit 2 - Blogworthy

I simply switched out the trouser jeans for a wooly red pencil skirt. The contrasting color of the skirt helps all the items in the outfit to stand out on their own accord. The tripartite color scheme strikes a slightly nautical note without be over the top.  Overall, I think the outfit is sharp and professional with the pop that the above outfit lacks.