
Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ottoman Empire

The semester is winding down and I am finally getting to some projects that have been on my to do list for a while. This is a little ottoman mini makeover that I saw here. I started with a cheapy ottoman from Target. I was hoping to find one thrifted, but this was within my price range and brand new (less cooties).

I covered it with vintage fabric found at Goodwill. I purchased over two yards for less than $2.00. Overall, it was a quick and easy project. It took me less than two hours and the directions were relatively easy to follow.

Friday, April 16, 2010

D.I.Y. Didn't I Do This Sooner?

This is my first foray into clothes making. It's a paperbag-waist skirt made with vintage fabric I picked up at the Methodist rummage sale. I got several yards of the fabric for $1.00 I think. It was really quick and really easy even for a novice like me. I was able to complete it in about an hour or so using this tutorial.

Now if only I had some kind of Mad Hatter tea party to wear this to.

Another Day, Another Thrifting Adventure

Today I went to a new thrift store that opened further out of town. This thing was huge! We're talking like half an old Wal-Mart or something. It was clean and really well organized. All the clothing was divided into categories and sizes. You rarely see that. I made another good score on vintage linens. Set of vintage napkins above.

Two vintage flat sheets which happened to be 50% of today. I got both of them for $3.00. Where else can you get so much fabric for so little money? Okay, maybe a Methodist rummage sale, but that is it.

Vintage pillowcases. They were $1.00 a piece. Perfect for projects that you need just a bit of fabric. Please excuse the dark streaks across the pictures. I really need to clean my windows, but that is difficult three-stories up.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Goodwill Was Good To Me

Stopped again today at the Goodwill close to school. I usually have good luck there getting wacky vintage fabric that no one else in the area could possible want and today was no exception. I found the fabric samples pictured above. There are four of them and they are all different color variations of the same print. The guy at the checkout couldn't categorize them, so rang them up as napkins, $0.49 for all four. The fabric is in excellent condition and will work great for some kind of crafty project. Bright blue strawberries. Ha!

My next find was this vintage mu mu. I absolutely love the pattern, especially the color. The fabric is really crisp, so I don't think that this has ever been worn, or at least not very much. Haven't quite decided what to do with this little beauty just yet. I was thinking of cutting it of short, altering the sleeves and making it into a sundress. I also considered cutting off the bottom half to make a skirt. The fabric would be great for just about anything. At $1.49, it's a steal.